Poblete Tamargo Attorney Quoted in Roll Call Newspaper

tumblr_lflr24Tsyg1qgbyyno1_500In Wednesday’s edition of Roll Call newspaper, Poblete Tamargo Attorney Jason Poblete was quoted in a story about the political impact of legislative procedures being used in the U.S. House of Representatives to debate and approve legislation to fund the federal government through the fall: 

“The pledge, of course, is a political, not a legal, document. That means the repercussions of breaking it — or being perceived as doing so — will be political, too, said Jason Poblete, a former Republican staffer who worked alongside Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in the office of McCarthy’s predecessor, Rep. Bill Thomas (R). “The voters will decide when [or] if we broke them,” Poblete said.

Read the entire Roll Call article here.